Instructions for installing and using UtterX extension!

We are in Private Beta! Later, you'll be able to install UtterX from Chrome Web Store.

  1. Download the latest UtterX extension zip file.
  2. Unzip the file and proceed to the next section to install the extension in Google Chrome.

To load an unpacked extension in developer mode:

  1. Go to the Extensions page by entering chrome://extensions in a new tab. (By design chrome:// URLs are not linkable.)
    • Alternatively, click the Extensions menu puzzle button and select Manage Extensions at the bottom of the menu.
    • Or, click the Chrome menu, hover over More Tools, then select Extensions.
  2. Enable Developer Mode by clicking the toggle switch next to Developer mode.
  3. Click the Load unpacked button and select the extension directory.
    Extensions page
    Extensions page (chrome://extensions)
    Extensions page
    Extension Page after installing UtterX

Ta-da! The extension has been successfully installed. If no extension icons were included in the manifest, a generic icon will be created for the extension.

By default, when you load your extension locally, it will appear in the extensions menu ( Puzzle ). Pin your extension to the toolbar to quickly access your extension during development.

Pinning the extension
Pinning the extension

Click the extension's action icon (toolbar icon); you should see a popup.

UtterX extension pinned
UtterX extension

Once you click the extension, follow the instructions. Sign in and ask away!